Wednesday, September 2, 2009

John William Perrin is here!

Born Sept 1, 2009 at 4:56pm, 7lb 5oz, 18" long. Mother and baby are doing great!

We went in the morning for Lisa Joy's last scheduled check-up, and her blood pressure was just a little high. On measuring again and finding it higher, the doctor said there's nothing to gain by waiting, I'm sending you in. Smiles! We were not expecting this at all, even after the first BP check.

We picked up a Subway sandwich, had a semi-leisurely drive home for a few things at 1:00, and checked in at 1:30. Getting pretty excited, and still feeling pretty good - no hard contractions or broken water, and only dilated to 2cm. They induced her around 2:00, and by 3:10, it was time for the epidural - hard frequent contractions, but still only dilated to 3. "At least that's better than 2!" says the nurse. Lisa Joy had 18 hours of labor with Michael, and that was over 7 years ago... and an epidural tends to slow things down... our expectations were set for a long labor. Well, 30 fairly comfortable minutes later she was at 9cm, and another 10 minutes later it was time to push! Wow!

Grandma, Michael, and Tamara all get a turn with John.


  1. Congrats! That is so awesome! -Trent

  2. Wonderful!! Brian, I am so happy for both of you!

  3. Congratulations! Beautiful Baby we're very happy for all of you. Arizona Perrin's

  4. Cute baby..soon it will be my turn. This time I will try to make it look like I am actually in labor ok Brian? hahaha

  5. Wow! What great news! Congratulations to all of you! John is a beautiful baby. What a joy for you and Lisa Joy!

    Renae Shurtz

  6. Congratulations !!! Good luck !!!
    Randy Webster

  7. Yeay!!! Congrats you guys. Lisa Joy-you look so good in your pictures!!

  8. Looks like a Perrin. Fo-shizzle! And when he yawns he totally has Curt's face! How does Curt end up being the dominant trait in Charles and John? Lol...I love it! And now I have a new little play toy! Yay! Can you believe we're 22 years apart? To think I'm now the oldest of seven. Love love love love love :D

  9. HE'S SO DARLING!!! Welcome, John, my newest nephew (:

  10. Congratulations! Wonderful news! So glad all is well!! Have fun getting to know each other! It's a precious few moments!

  11. He is beautiful! I am so excited to meet this little angel!

  12. Congratulations to you both...what a sweet little boy! Enjoy these moments!

  13. Congratulations guys. What a beautiful little boy! So happy Michael finally has a brother. -Rachel Murdock

  14. Lisa Joy! What a fun email and happy news! Congratulations! We just had a boy at the beginning of June. Have you heard any news about Lisalyn? So happy for you, and happy you have a blog so I can keep track of you and see your beautiful family!

    Love you
    Holly (I'll invite you to our blog-- watch your email)

  15. Congratulations, Lisa Joy! What a beautiful baby boy! Best wishes for you and your family!!
